воскресенье, 17 ноября 2013 г.

He vanished....

              The book impressed me greatly. I really think that this is a masterpiece. Though the plot cannot be called an unexpected and breathtaking, but it is very pleasant to read it. It made me to feel through those times - its smell, its music, its mood...I even caught myself on the idea that I have heard the Daizy's laughter.
The book made me think a lot. For example, about love. I cinsider it a mystery that Gatsby loved Daizy. In fact she was nothing but a spoiled girl, with a lovely face. How could such a girl influence Gatsby's life? Men are so blind sometimes. They think that the woman they love is a goddess without any drawbacks. But such love will not last forever. As it happened to Gatsby, suddenly he realized that his "goddess" is nothing but a small girl with many fancies, and got very disappointed.

Here is a video I have found. "Does Gatsby really love Daisy?"

Another I want to mention is that Mr Fitzgerald used a very beautiful language. It is very sophisticated, but it the same time very accurate, logical and it sounds like a song, full of wonderfull things...I think every writer should try to reach that level, no matter in what language he writes. A reader should appreciate not only the plot, but also the beauty of the language.